Students Improve Grades with ‘Retake For Credit’ Feature

Currently in Acellus, when students do not do well on an exam, they can opt to retake the exam for a higher score. However, until now this has not been the case for lessons. Even a few low scores on Lessons can add up and lower a student’s overall course grade.

Although some students are not bothered by little dips in their Lesson scores, others would even be willing to complete extra work just to improve their grade.

Interestingly, if a teacher — or even Acellus — were to assign students to retake the lessons they struggled with, most of them would not be sufficiently motivated to complete the work.

Retake Lessons For CreditTo solve this important but sensitive issue — and staying consistent with the Success Zone model — Acellus has a new feature that allows students to choose to retake any lesson that they scored poorly on, or any lesson they wish for whatever reason. Acellus gives the control over retaking lessons to the students.

To take advantage of this feature, students can go to the “Score” section in their student interface and determine which, if any, assignments they have  completed that they would like to “Retake for Credit.”

Once students click on a lesson to ‘Retake,’ Acellus immediately takes them to that particular lesson. As soon as they have completed it, Acellus returns them to their previous position in the course.

Acellus will use the last score from each Lesson no matter how many times the student has repeated it. These final efforts on their assignments are the scores that will impact the students’ grades.

One of the benefits of the new ’Retake for Credit’ feature is that students will be assigning themselves extra practice on the concepts that are most difficult for them — which in turn gives them greater mastery of those concepts!

We believe this new feature will not only help students improve their grades but also increase their understanding of important learning concepts.



  1. this is so awesome!!!!
    now i can b an average a plus student!!!!!

  2. Thank you so much for adding this feature.

  3. cool

  4. Thank you Acellus for adding this feature! In the past, I have made not-so-great grades or just grades I wish were better so, this is definitely going to help me out. It will help me understand my lessons better and help with my grades and GPAs. I for sure want to make the best grades I can in this program, so it will help me strive to better and use my full potential.

  5. This is a great idea. Many with ADHD or ADD have dificulty staying focused and sometimes need a second chance to go back through and see and hear a lesson more than once to glean all of the the pertinant info for the quizes. Very helpful as our end goal is for them to gain as much knowlege as possible. This allows a student to get the most out the lessons. Excellent move Accelus!! A win-win!

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